Thursday, 31 March 2011

[Myanmar weather watch] ေနာက္ဆံုးရ သတင္းမ်ိးစံုကို facebook မွာ like...

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Shin Goun Gwep 31 March 15:29
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All Burma I.T Students' Union
We believe that there are three basic infrastructures that need to be developed in the country after the democratization process in Burma. When we try to develop the country, we must have following Basic Infrastructures to catch up the other nations in our region.


It is very clear to see that under the Burmese Military Regime, the above three main infrastructures are getting worse and worse, insufficient day to day due to unqualified management and spending revenue on military purposes only. This also affects the country's development sector and causes crisis such as inflation, lack of education, economic destruction, and little to no development, etc. After basic reforms in the Burmese government, these three Basic Infrastructures will be necessary to carry out an effective development process. During this process, we'll need massive requirements in many sectors in order to develop the country — Human Resources, Skilled Personnel, Financial Aids, and Technologies. To equalize with other developing nations worldwide, we assume that a country that has good infrastructure could engage in the development process by using Information Technology and I.T skilled personnel.

In these millennium years, as Information and Communication Technology is quite important to every government organization and business communities to develop their activities locally and globally. To apply most effective Information Technology within the country for development purposes, we do believe that above three significant factors are necessary to be implemented.

We believe that under a new democratic government in Burma, the I.T sector that will be developed could grow very much, and not only to use as a tool for democracy but also for economic purposes that could increase the country revenue as well. Many developing nations around the world have been using Information Technology for different purposes such as in Education, Economy, Development, Tradition and Culture, etc.

Therefore, as ABITSU members, we know that our skilled I.T personnel and professionals will take places in those sectors in the future in order to develop the democratic nation of Burma, and ensuring future development for the country in different sectors with our highest efforts. We also deeply understand that to use I.T as a tool to develop our nation under the new democratic government of Burma is important and we hope to use it in the near future.

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